Do you already know what coworking is and if it is suitable for you?
7 months ago
5 reading_minutes
Many of today's successful companies, such as Google and Apple, started as "garage companies". Literally. They roofed their first ideas and business successes with cheap garage space. These are now a thing of the past and coworking is a hit. Your entrepreneurial beginnings can be supported by a full-service coworking center like WorkLounge, offering a creative environment to support your business.
Maybe you started your business ideas at home in your childhood bedroom. Sometimes in the living room, sometimes over your child's crib on maternity or parental leave, or nice and old-fashioned in the garage. But this environment doesn't suit everyone. In fact, it's more like no one. We miss a working environment where it's a dynamic buzz and ideas literally hang in the air. Where there is always someone on hand to contribute an opinion or advice, or even just to sit and chat with you.
We need a creative environment for new ideas, and that's exactly what a coworking centre with a shared working environment can offer us.
Where it came from, it came from... coworking
The history of workspace sharing dates back to 1989. However, it was not until 2005 that coworking got its "sexy" name. That's when it started to become a lifestyle. For freelancers, small companies and even medium-sized teams, coworking became the ideal environment for business development. Because that's what coworking is all about. You want a facility that doesn't hold you back in business, but instead helps you persevere in the long run that is entrepreneurship. Not everyone is built for solitude. "One person" beginnings in business often end in failure precisely because we lack people.
Not even the ones to help us with our work at first, but the ones to burst our personal social bubbles and help us look at things around us and our business from a different perspective. Maybe just by expressing an opinion. When you add to that the service of an always-ready workspace, maybe even a small office, an always-warm cup of tea or coffee, as well as a ready representative meeting room, it is a real luxury. Especially at the moment when the business is not yet bearing much and we cannot afford big expenses.
Coworking means giving order to your work
Order is exactly what we lack at home. It's not just that our own work self-discipline gets cracked the moment we haven't changed out of our pajamas at 11:00 a.m. (never mind that we've been sitting at the computer since 5:00 a.m.). It's hardly possible to convince those around us that when we're at home, we're working. Visiting your family at home during the working week can become the norm - after all, you don't go to work and you are at home.
But what to do if you don't want to go back to the corporate world, you don't feel financially or mentally up to renting your own office, and you need to be around people? In this case, you are the ideal candidate for coworking. It will offer you exactly what you are looking for. Peace of mind to work, a creative environment, the company of other like-minded people, access to technology (quality internet connection, printer, copier) and the necessary service (coffee, kitchen, meeting room, mail reception).
Coworking actually provides you with the ideal business space and shared services. How much workspace can you get at WorkLounge? You'll be surprised to know that it will offer a roof over your head not only for you personally, but also for your team of up to ten people, in this case in a separate, though certainly not isolated, space. You can choose to work in a shared space or in a completely separate office. WorkLounge is about more than just the philosophy of coworking. This project can offer an environment that is truly suitable for work. And not all hubs are like that.
So what does a coworking centre like WorkLounge offer you?
Perhaps the four pillars of coworking will tell you the best. These are community, collaboration, accessibility and openness. You will get rid of the feeling of isolation, your working day will be organized and you will work in an inspiring environment. So if you are serious about business, you know what to do.